
When you visit and communicate with our websites, we collect other information that cannot be used to identify you in relation with your use of websites, such as the number of visits to our websites, parts of our web page you browse and the length of time you spent on them (“Other data”). Such data are collected and analyzed in order to improve our services and make sure that you find our website, our products and services interesting.

We use cookies and other technologies (such as “pixel tags”, „web beacons “, „empty GIFs “, links in emails, JavaScript, IDs of devices associated to Google or Apple or similar technologies) in order to collect such information („cookies “).

Cookies are small text files that collect data other than personal and send them and store them on your computer, smart phone, or any other device for accessing the Internet each time you visit these web pages. The purpose of the cookies used by our web page is to improve the user experience. We do not use cookies of third parties the purpose of which is targeted advertising.

On our web page we use the following types of cookies:

Session Cookies: We use these cookies to assign a randomly generated unique identification number to your computer each time you visit one of our web pages. The validity of a session cookie automatically expires when you close the browser. Session cookies are used to support the functionality of our web pages and to find out more about your usage of our web page or pages you have visited, which links you use and how long you spend on each page, on which part of the page you decided to leave it etc.

Persistent Cookies: They allow web pages to recognize the user on their next visits and serve to speed up or optimize your online experience, the services or functions offered by the web page. Persistent cookies do not expire right after you close your browser, but rather remain on the hard drive until they expire after a certain period of time or are deleted by the user.

In order to gain better understanding of our users, we can also use information that we collected and combined, or information received from third parties (for example, using Google Analytics in order to establish the percentage of our visitors who belong to a specific age group or are located in a specific area).

We use Google Analytics, which creates numerous first-party cookies. They enable us to make sure that later visits to our web page are assigned to the same (unique) visitor, and they tell us how you have found us. Google Analytics is a tool that helps website owners measure the users’ behavior when interacting with the web content. Google Analytics does not collect any personal information about the users of our web pages. If you do not want Google Analytics to process data that refer to you, you may download the plug-in available at

Links to websites and third-party services

Our website may contain links to websites of third parties. Bear in mind that we cannot be held accountable for the data collected, used, maintained, exchanged, or published by the third parties. If you offer information on websites of third parties, i.e. use them, the privacy rules and the terms and conditions of use for these websites will apply. We recommend that you read the privacy rules for the websites you visit prior to sharing your personal data.

We can also collaborate with a limited number of Internet service providers in order to allow Internet access to our guests. Your use of Internet services on our premises is subject to terms and conditions of use and privacy rules set by the Internet service provider of the third party. These terms and conditions and rules can be accessed using links on the service registration page or by visiting the website of the Internet service provider.